Family Tree Maker

Use our Free Family Tree Maker to build a Family Tree online. Invite family and relatives to view or update your family tree website. Each ancestry project becomes its own private and secure website that can be loaded with photos, charts, reports, maps, relationships, events and stories. Just add names of your relatives & ancestors or import a GEDCOM file and instantly create your free family tree. Your site can create custom newsletters for each member with birthday and anniversary reminders, recent site activity and send them out every two weeks.
Family Tree Website Builder Tool Features    Sample Website  
Over 350,000 Private and Secure Family Tree Websites. 50 Million Names.
Upload Photos or have your family email them directly to your website. Attach photos to names and TribalPages will add them to your charts.
Make your own family tree with Ancestor, Descendant and Family Charts for each name. Family Trees will also contain printable Reports, Maps and a handy Relationship finder tool.
Our Family Tree Maker free online tools lets you Publish and share your family stories. Send customized newsletters to family members with birthday and anniversary reminders for their close relatives.
Invite friends and family to view or update your family history. You can set your privacy level to include an access code that visitors must enter.
Take your Family Tree with you. You and invited family members can download the Mobile App and get Birthday reminders, view Photo Albums, Upload Photos, lookup and edit Names in your family tree.
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TribalPages' Website Features

Charts and Reports
TribalPages automatically generates Ancestor, Descendant and Family Charts for each name in your genealogy tree site. Detailed printable Reports are also produced.
Privacy & Security
Separate passwords for site administrators and visitors. For privacy you can hide some or all the information of Living Persons in your website.
Import Family Trees
Family trees can be imported directly into your website as GEDCOM files.
Genealogy Maps
Where Did We Come From? Where Did This Family Live? Where Did They Go? Ancestor, Descendant and Family Maps provide a unique graphical view.
Birthday and Event Calendar
Keep track of relatives upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries. You can maintain contact information like email, addresses and phone numbers.
Family Newsletters
Your website will automatically send newsletters to each member of your family. The newsletter is customized for that member and contains information like birthday reminders and recent pictures of only close relatives of that person.

TribalPages was founded in July 2000. TribalPages will not sell, share or disclose your data with any third party. You, the owner of your site, decide who can see or modify your site. We offer you several options by way of privacy settings to enable you to achieve the fine control of your website. Websites can be free or members can pay an annual fee for more space and advanced features. read more
Our family tree maker online tools has been used to make over half a million free family trees. Make your family tree to preserve your heritage. Send out invitations to enlist the help of your relatives to make a family tree. We have been a pioneer in Genealogy for over 15 years, making our online family tree maker one of the first and most mature products. Our passion for providing free ancestry tree as well as family tree free is the driving force for keeping our software comprehensive and easy to use. Use our family tree maker online and you will have your free ancestry tree up and running in no time.