Free Family Tree

Build your Free Family Tree website online. Invite friends and family to view or update your site. Each private and secure website is loaded with Photos, Charts, Reports, Maps, Relationships, Events and Stories. Just add names of your relatives or import a GEDCOM file and instantly create your family tree website.
 Family Tree Websites  Features    Sample Website  
Over 350,000 Private and Secure Family Tree Websites. 50 Million Names.
Upload Photos or have your family email them directly to your Family Tree. Attach photos to names and TribalPages will add them to your charts.
Ancestor, Descendant and Family Charts for each name in your Family Tree. Your Family Tree will also contain printable Reports and Maps.
Publish and share your family stories.
Invite friends and family to view or update your family tree. You can set your privacy level to include an access code that visitors must enter.
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Website Features

Charts and Reports
TribalPages automatically generates Ancestor, Descendant and Family Charts for each name in your site. Detailed printable Reports are also produced.
Privacy & Security
Separate passwords for site administrators and visitors. For privacy you can hide some or all the information of Living Persons in your family tree.
Import Family Tree
If you have already created family tree you can import the file directly into your website.
Google Maps
Where Did We Come From? Where Did This Family Live? Where Did They Go? Ancestor, Descendant and Family Maps provide a unique graphical view.
Birthday and Event Calendar
Keep track of upcoming Birthdays and Aniversaries in your Family Tree. You can maintain contact information like email, addresses and phone numbers.