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Welcome! This website was created on 23 Jan 2002 and last updated on 23 Dec 2023. The family trees on this site contain 695 relatives and 686 photos. If you have any questions or comments you may send a message to the Administrator of this site.
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About Our Family
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WELCOME TO THE LAPAR FAMILY TREE!    Here you will find descendants of Andrej  Lapar (b. ca. 1800) and their families.  In addition, you will find the  ancestors of my three children Philip, Andre, and Adrianne and their families.   In fact, Adrianne inspired me to research our family background and preserve  our family heritage for future generations.      According to oral tradition,  the Lapar family originated in France, from where two brothers, who were  craftsmen, came and settled in the area of present-day Slovakia.  However,  there is no concrete evidence to support this.  The genealogy resources in  France have yet to be researched.    The Lapar name is mentioned with eight  other names of young Slovaks in the book `Zo Starych Banoviec,` written by  historian and poet N. Kostin in 1933.  This book is a history of the town of  Banovce, located in present-day Slovakia during Turkish invasions around 1663.   In the preface the author states that all information, names, and places are  historically factual and based on archives and official documents.  So far,  there is no documented connection between the 17th century Lapar from Banovce  and our ancestor Andrej Lapar, also from the same town.  We need to research  any possible resources in Slovakia, particularly in Banovce, to document this  connection.    There is also a small number of families in the U.S.A. with name  Lapar, mainly in Wisconsin.  My telephone conversation with one of them  revealed that they came from the French Province of Canada and settled in  Midwest.    I would like to thank everybody who helped me to gather information  and photographs of our family, especially my brother-in-law Dr. Dezider Kollar,  my uncle Jan Lapar from Kosice and my aunt Maria Lapar, who was the longest living Lapar and died at the age of 106.

 Nájdete tu potomkov Andreja Lapára (nar. okolo r. 1800) a ich rodiny. Zároveñ  tu nájdete predkov mojich troch detí: Filipa, Andreja a Adrianne a ich rodiny.  Bola to vlastne Adrianne, ktorá ma inspirovala preskúmat vlastné rodinné  zázemie a uchovat rodinné dedicstvo pre budúce pokolenia tohto rodu. Podla ústnej tradície rod. Lapárovcov pochádza z Francúzska, odkial prisli  dvaja bratia - remeselníci a usadili sa na územi dnesného Slovenska. No zatial  neexistuje o tom ziaden písomný doklad. Genealogické zdroje vo Francúzsku treba  este len preskúmat. Priezvisko Lapár sa spomína, spolu s dalsími ôsmimi menami  mladých Slovákov, v knihe historika a básnika N. Kostína (z r. 1933):`Zo  starých Bánoviec`. Táto kniha opisuje historické udalosti odohrávajúce sa v  meste Bánovce nad Bebravou (teraz Bánovce) v case tureckých nájazdov na územie  dnesného Slovenska (okolo r. 1663). V úvode knihy autor uvádza, ze vsetky  informácie, mená a miesta sú historicky dolozené archívnymi materiálmi. Zatiaľ  vsak nebola dokumentarne potvrdena suvislost medzi banovskymi Laparovcami zo 17. storocia a nasim predkom Andrejom Laparom, pochadzajucim z toho isteho mesta. K tomu je potrebne preskumat vsetky dostupne zdroje na Slovensku, najma vsak v Banovciach. Aj v USA zije niekolko Laparovcov, hlavne v state Wisconsin. Z telefonickeho rozhovoru s jednym z nich som zistil, ze pochadzaju z francuzskej provincie v Kanade a usadilisa na Stredozapade.
 Na tomto mieste chcem podakovat vsetkym, ktori mi pomahali zhromazdovat informacie o clenoch tejto velkej rodiny, ako aj ich fotografie, predovsetkym svojmu svagrovi Dr. Deziderovi Kollarovi, strykovi Janovi Laparovi z Kosic a mojej tete Marii Laparovej, ktora bola najdlhsie zijuci Lapar a zomrela vo veku 106.

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