
Discussion in Genealogy Forum started by cuz anthony, Aug 25, 2016
cuz anthony
Hi, I would like to know how to prove that we are part Cherokee? Any one know?
Jeremy Pettit
Take a DNA test through something like Ancestry.
That is a long road! But, very much worth it. I'll give you a Hint. Do your Genealogy, Get a DNA test through either Family tree or 23&me. Native Ancestry is sometimes hard to detect if your not the standard A,B,M,Q, Haplogroup. So you need to dig deeper. My suggestion. look at your DNA health report that is where you will detect certain traits. Do both your DNA Y line and MT (Female deep ancestry). Also, find out your earliest family that made it before the great migration (1820).

Good Luck!

Rebecca Leech
The only way is the legal way through documentation. Start with the parent who has Cherokee Indian Heritage.

I started with my Mother's marriage license with her mother's name on it. Found my mother's birth certificate and worked up from there.

Hope this helps you get a start.