A Thought on Order of Photos

Discussion in Technical Forum started by Ian Marr, Nov 8, 2018
Ian Marr
Just a thought on why, sometimes, photos appear "out of order" (I am NOT talking here about whether they are earliest first or last - I am talking about the siuation when the order, according to the photo date, "jumps about" and has no obvious pattern.)

For those seeing this problem - do you use multiple albums and could photos from different albums be included for one person? If this is the case, perhaps the photos are being sorted by date, WITHIN each album; so if there are six photos from Album A, 2 from Album B and 1 from Album C the the result is A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B1, B2 and C1.

If anyone finds this to be the case (or otherwise) could they please reply to this message so that a solution can be ruled in or out.


Ian Marr

Ian, I think I know what you mean. I've checked my Mother's photos since they are the ones I'm frustrated about and there are two in there which only would be in HER album and nobody elses. Well I'll be darned - NOW I see that her album has straightened out since last time I looked some weeks ago but the latest date is at the top and I really want latest at the bottom and earliest at the top and I do believe that is how they WERE going in for me a year or so ago. And so now the two pics I mentioned are in order so no point me going on about the issue. NOW I will check out other albums that I had out of order and report back. BUT is there a way to reverse the order of pics??
